I think the lack of interest is pretty cut and dry to me. The older folks on this site simply don't have the time in their busy lives to step into a BOD position. I for one would love to help spice things up around here and get everyone to come together more as a club rather than just a website to BS on. But....I simply do not have the time. My business, being a husband, being a father, side jobs, kid activities, etc....my nights and weekends are booked months in advance. Working 60-70 hours a week, plus my other obligations, it just doesn't leave me time to be able to commit to a position that I know I cannot give it my all!
2) What are your plans for getting people to actually show up to events?
Well I think we are on track to those kinds of things in the forum, we just dont realize it. Just because this is based on XJ's doesnt mean that is all we do. Between us, there is a large liking for beers, wings/food (gluten free ) and shooting. Why do we have to go to sit all primped and proper for a meet n greet? Why not make it liek we are kids again? - getting together to do what we like. Just cuz most of us will show up on a huffy doesnt mean we have to hang out at the bike shop.....
I think some young blood in the mix would definitely be a step in the right direction. Someone that doesn't have a great deal of commitments on nights and weekends, and someone that has the drive and ambition to get out there and try to make changes to get these M&G's to happen.
It seems like for awhile Cody was doing a fine job at trying to setup some M&G's. It all seemed to fizzle out when people started complaining about it being at the same location every time. Honestly....who cares? The fact that people were showing up is all that matters, and that the location ( Culvers I believe ) was very open to having the M&G there.
I think that a place needs to be found that:
A.) Is open and willing to support a gathering of Jeep guys on numerous occassions
B.) Has the room outside in a parking lot to gather everyone's rigs together
C.) Has a banquet room, or a corner of the restaurant that they'd be willing to block off for everyone to gather around.
I think picking a spot and sticking with it is the key to success. Get to know the owner & staff by showing them repeated business. It is always nice to know people by name and feel at home. Instead, trying to pick a new place every time leaves a lot of options & opinions out there for people to argue about. All that does is create frustration for whoever is attempting to get it organized.
Also try to do it more often than not. Try and schedule 2 different times during the month. One time on a weeknight for those folks that have busy weekends, and one on a weekend for those who work late or have kids in school. The bad part about having only one is the huge span of schedule conflicts. If you can make it to both awesome, if not, you have 2 different times to try and make it work.
Pick a time and stick with it....the same for every month. Just for example...Hooters on the first Tuesday of the month @7:30pm and Hooters on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 3:00pm. Set those times in stone that way everyone knows and there is no confusion.
Anyway those are just a few ideas I had........not the best, but ideas never hurt!