:helpme: My cousins jeep has been making a grinding clicking sound underneath his rig. We have taken some steps to problem solve a little today due to some advice from Josh and Nick. (thanks fellas) We lifted the back wheels off the ground and and put it in drive to spin them. Ticking underneath. Removed the drive line from the t case and put it in drive again. Not completely quiet but no loud ticking. Then we disconnected the drive line from the rear axle i held the yoke while he turned the driver side wheel and i hear a noise coming from the left wheel area. Problem is i really dont know the exact sound im looking for to know if the spider gears are toast. Kinda need some guys who have dealt with this shit before. If his gears are toast in his 8.25 i have a 35 from when i did my rear end swap I can pop in with a little guidance. His daughters birthday party is tomorrow but we will be done at about 2-3 and back to work on it. He lives kinda close to 82nd and sunnyside. If anybody feels like shooting some advice tomorrow shoot me a message. Thanks guys, jimmy