For just plain broken, you can jack up the right hand wheel, turn it, and see if the driveshaft turns. But if it's leaking grease out the end of the axle shaft where the universal joint is, it means that something has probably disturbed the grease seal at the inner end of the shaft. Turning the axle as mentioned might help you feel a problem. If I were you I'd look very carefully to see if the right hand tube is bent in, or if the axle shaft itself took a whack bad enough to bend something. There are many things here that can bend just a little - hard to measure, but critical. You may well find it's easier to find a whole front axle than it is to troubleshoot a badly impacted one.
I feel for you, though. My daughter crashed her 93 in almost the same way, with about the same results, but I hope yours is just a little less severe. When we looked underneath and saw the oil oozing out of the axle tube, it was too much for a Vermont rustbucket with 230 thousand miles on it, so good bye trusty, Canyon Blue Metallic 2-door!