You can not run a part time TC at any speed. That i would NEVER do! You can even hear it wine when going to fast. It will heat up so bad. And it was only a recommendation to not run at high speeds. I asumed he would be driving on ass fault and not on dirt. Calm down dude!
And to state High vs Low has everything to do with my statement. In low your mph speed need to stay even lower.
Why don't you go to the Jeep website and download the instruction manual for the select and command trac systems.
It's been a while, but pretty sure it mentions something about "shift on the fly" and "any legal speed"
As for the low speed comment, I've ran my 231 in 5th gear WOT in low range. It's been under my junk for the last 6 years of me beating the snot out of it on some ridiculously hard trails I had no business being on. it's still just fine.
just because it's not something YOU would do does not mean that the case is not capable of it and you should not be presenting your opinions as facts regarding the transfer case.
I assume all of the jeepspeed guys that are running 231's in the desert at 70 MPH are going to explode them right?
And it was only a recommendation to not run at high speeds.
I love the backtracking.
This was your first comment:
don't go over 35 mph in part time
that does not sound like a recommendation.
also, do you even know how the insides of a 242 work? Because the suggestion to keep it in Fulltime with no rear driveshaft is indeed laughable:
i would recommend trying to stay in Full Time you can go a little faster without damaging your TC.
You do realize that there are more things spinning while in full time mode than in part time? like the center diff that spins it's little bitty gears at 2x output speed if you hold one output and let the other run free, like it would with no rear driveshaft?
congratulations, you just figured out a fool proof way to grenade a 242, stick it in full time with a missing driveshaft and try to drive on it....