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Trail schedule


NAXJA Forum User
NAXJA Member
Colorado Springs
Here is the trail schedule.It is not set in stone so please don't whine. We can add ans subtract trails as needed.
Sun Mine Sweeper and Left fender, 8 ?, TL-Led
Mt Princeton , 4 , TL-???
Mon Indy , 10 , TL-Led
Hayden Pass , 3 , TL-???
Tue Wheeler lake ,7 , TL-Troy
Pomeroy lake ,5 , TL-???
Wen Grizzly lake ,7 , TL-Led
Iron Chest ,8 ,TL-Bob
Thu Holy Cross overnighter ,8/9 , TL-Troy
Tincup,tomichi,hancock ,4 , TL-???
Fri Holy Cross overnighter ,8/9 , TL-Troy
Mt Antero ,5 ,TL-???
Sat Carnage Gulch ,10 ,TL-Led
Chinamens ,8 ,TL-???
Saturday night will be a party and the raffle. Please post up if you can lead any of the trails with ???
Led, I fixed it for ya... (kinda hard to read before). :laugh3:

Here is the trail schedule.It is not set in stone so please don't whine. We can add ans subtract trails as needed. The number listed after the trail name is it's trail rating based on a 1-10 difficulty range - 10 being most difficult.

Mine Sweeper and Left fender, 8 ?, TL-Led
Mt Princeton , 4 , TL-???

Indy , 10 , TL-Led
Hayden Pass , 3 , TL-Scott Hayden

Wheeler lake ,7 , TL-Troy
Pomeroy lake ,5 , TL-???

Grizzly lake ,7 , TL-Led
Iron Chest ,8 ,TL-Bob

Holy Cross overnighter ,8/9 , TL-Troy *See my post*
Tincup,tomichi,hancock ,4 , TL-???

Holy Cross overnighter ,8/9 , TL-Troy
Mt Antero ,5 ,TL-???

Carnage Gulch ,10 ,TL-Led
Chinamens ,8 ,TL-Brian

Saturday night will be a party and the raffle. Please post up if you can lead any of the trails with ???
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thanks troy... much better. :)
Thats not what it looked like when I typed it :mad: I hate computers
If you can talk the person in font of you into turning around then no.Both trails have winch only exits for the most part.
Led said:
If you can talk the person in font of you into turning around then no.Both trails have winch only exits for the most part.

thanks for the reply. I need to do some sort of rocker protection before I run these trails which should be done before COfest and I'll see if I can get a winch by than too I guess
Sounds like a darn good schedule...Id offer to lead, but I dont have to aweful much experience in that neck of the woods.
Indy , 10 , TL-Led
Hayden Pass , 3 , TL-???

Anyone up for being adventurous? Been something I've wanted to do for years and never have. LED if it's ok with you and the organizers can we swap out the Hayden Pass (3 rating) trail for the Half Moon Creek (7 rating) trail. If so I can lead, if people don't mind following blindly ;) Trail head is about 4-5 miles south of Leadville off of HWY24 or about 25 miles north of BV. S'pose to be some really good mine "ruins" up there and some decent wheeling along the last part of the trail with a decent creek crossing. Be a good day of follow the leader or "that guys lost again" :)

Wheeler lake ,7 , TL-Troy
Pomeroy lake ,5 , TL-???

LED I can take the Pomeroy Lake trail if no one else wants it. Another trail on my todo list (read I haven't been there yet) ;)

LED - In the event you still want to do the Hayden Pass run, I wouldn't mind being involved. This is named after my grandfather, I have driven it several times. Just joined the NAXJA, have been doing Colo all my life, don't know how much time I can take off for that week, but certainly would book the day for driving the old family pass. Scott hayden
Rock Yacht said:
Wheeler lake ,7 , TL-Troy
Pomeroy lake ,5 , TL-???

LED I can take the Pomeroy Lake trail if no one else wants it. Another trail on my todo list (read I haven't been there yet) ;)


I've been up to Pomeroy a bunch of times.. easy but the views are absolutely amazing. i LOVE the fishing up there... probably one of my favorite places. I can't believe that's listed as a 5.. other than one 50' +/- long spot with loose dirt, it's a piece of cake.

I was actually considering camping up there. it'll be cold and windy as hell but... i can buck up. ;)
Scott Hayden said:
LED - In the event you still want to do the Hayden Pass run, I wouldn't mind being involved. This is named after my grandfather, I have driven it several times. Just joined the NAXJA, have been doing Colo all my life, don't know how much time I can take off for that week, but certainly would book the day for driving the old family pass. Scott hayden
Wow, that is cool! I hope the run does stand and you can be involved, I would love to hear the story behind it all.
Scott Hayden said:
LED - In the event you still want to do the Hayden Pass run, I wouldn't mind being involved. This is named after my grandfather, I have driven it several times. Just joined the NAXJA, have been doing Colo all my life, don't know how much time I can take off for that week, but certainly would book the day for driving the old family pass. Scott hayden

Sounds like the right guy for the right job don't you think LED? Who better to lead the trail than a guy (family) it's named after. LED we don't have to swap out Hayden Pass just a suggestion, maybe add Half Moon if anyone is feeling adveturous (read doesn't mind getting lost, haha)

I can't hang out on Saturday for Chinamans but I running it on Friday July 29th. If some one wants to pre-run the trail so they can offer up to Led to be a trail leader you can join us on the 29th. I planning on staying the night in that area and possible running Iron Chest Saturday morning. I have some friends in town from the East cost that want to go wheeling.
Rock Yacht said:
LED we don't have to swap out Hayden Pass just a suggestion, maybe add Half Moon if anyone is feeling adveturous (read doesn't mind getting lost, haha)

Who brought Grant into this conversation?

:laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3:

Just as I thought, I'll only be able to make Saturday. Luckily it will be for the trail I most want to run. Sweet, I have to visit this place more often.

Looking forward to some Carnage. Wow, I have a little work to do. :laugh3:

See ya soon,

so led, since you said this schedule wasn't set in stone, ;) any chance we could swap indy with
either wheeler or grizzly (that is, run indy tues or weds instead of mon)?

a selfish request, but i will likely come out late monday night or early tuesday and was hoping
to attempt indy (at least liberty/freedom) since i've never done it before and would appreciate
having folks like you there as a trail leader for my first time... :D

would this change mess up anybody else's plans?

MMIXJ said:
so led, since you said this schedule wasn't set in stone, ;) any chance we could swap indy with
either wheeler or grizzly (that is, run indy tues or weds instead of mon)?

would this change mess up anybody else's plans?


I'd like to see that! Such nice sheet metal to sacrifice. :laugh:

MMIXJ said:
so led, since you said this schedule wasn't set in stone, ;) any chance we could swap indy with
either wheeler or grizzly (that is, run indy tues or weds instead of mon)?

a selfish request, but i will likely come out late monday night or early tuesday and was hoping
to attempt indy (at least liberty/freedom) since i've never done it before and would appreciate
having folks like you there as a trail leader for my first time... :D

would this change mess up anybody else's plans?

You commit to running the whole trail and I will change it :firedevil The drop in is as bad body wise as the rest of the trail .I won't let jacobs spot you thru the water falls so you won't roll there.Be a man step up :D