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NAXJA Vendor Discounts


NAXJA Member
NAXJA Member
Newcastle, CA
Hello All!

I wanted to share across the NAXJA Chapters some of the Sierra Chapter Vendors we're working with and some of the deals they're offering to NAXJA members in light of the upcoming Sierra Chapter Sierra Fest event coming up: https://www.naxja.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1158622

I'll keep adding to this list as more come on board and I hope you all can take advantage of the deals to get some needed things for your rigs while supporting the vendors that support NAXJA.

1. K Suspension is offering a 10% discount to NAXJA members on all items through our Sierra Fest event held August 10th to 15th - they have donated to prior raffles and have things from 2x6 rocker legs, boomerang shackles, battery cables, fuel injectors, frame stiffeners, and more! Here's a link to their site, please use promo code NXSF2020: https://www.ksuspensionfab.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html#/

2. Teton Sports is offering a 20% discount to NAXJA members - they make great sleeping bags, tents, cots, pillows and more for all your camping accessory needs that some of our Sierra Chapter members have used for years! Please use promo code TETONCollabs A link to their site is here: https://tetonsports.com/

I'll update the list as more come on board, let me know if you have any questions and happy trails!

Sierra Chapter Treasurer